About the Business
Nikki Hill, the founder of Bella Wellbeing, is a fully qualified Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Natural Fertility Educator and a mum to two little boys.
Nikki specialises in womens hormonal health and has been a consultant for over 10 years in both Australia and the UK helping countless women become acquainted (or reacquainted) with their body and its needs.
As a teenager, Nikki suffered many hormonal symptoms such as severe acne, irregular cycles and PMS. She was later diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). At the time the only option she thought was available was the oral contraceptive pill, which she took for a number of years until she decided the side effects (weight gain, mood swings and bloating) were outweighing the benefits. During this time Nikki shed the weight, cleared her skin and regulated her periods naturally using herbs and a healthy diet.
Location & Hours

34 Altrincham Road