About the Business
I have some great news - you don't have to feel sluggish anymore, you don't have to feel bloated and unattractive. Gone are the days where you struggle to keep up with your kids or grand kids! I suspect you have tried lots of different diets before and maybe even lost a load of weight. Well we prefer a different approach where we don't rely on fad diets, quick fix diet pills or meal replacement shakes. The reality is you can get away with that sort of stuff when you are younger and your body can take more abuse but, particularly as you get older, the damage to your health these quick fix approaches lead to is far from ideal.
They do more harm than good and actually make it harder to stay looking and feeling fab in the long term. I'm guessing you have probably got most of your nutrition and, particularly, exercise advice from friends and family, newspapers or magazines and maybe TV shows with famous doctors out to make a name for themselves.
Location & Hours

13 Bridge Grove, West Bridgford