About the Business
I began training and working in functional nutrition and integrative medicine health therapies in 2013, focusing on nutritional therapy and wellness coaching. I have a passion for the emerging area of nutrigenomics and the incredible insights this can give us towards unlocking the keys to our own personal health. After a successful 15-year career in the record industry, I was exhausted, burned out, and nowhere close to feeling healthy and vibrant. And like many of us, I found the conflicting messages in the media about health and eating incredibly difficult to understand and apply successfully to myself. If I was doing everything "right", why did I feel so unwell? This realisation prompted a whole-life overhaul, including a change of career. However, my prior years spent in stressful corporate working environments provides me with an insight into the reality of the health and well-being challenges facing most of us in our modern lifestyles.
Location & Hours

34 Gosfield Street