About the Business
Colonics are just £70 for a standard appointment during the day. For more specialised appintments speak to your therapist as to what might be suitable for you. The post Christmas blues is upon us and everyoen wants to lose weight easily. For those looking for a quick fix we offer a 9 day plan with guaranteed weight or inch loss or your money back. A busy few months for Celebrity Colonics as the stars try and fit into those BAFTA dresses! 100% of our clients report that their bloating has gone down either immediately after the colonic or within 24 hours! Tracey Dell offer Colonics at the Northampton 7 days a week to fit in with you busy diary. 01604 620966. For an Extreme Weight Loss or Detox we offer a Long Weekend Experience which includes Colonic Irrigation, Colon Massage, freshly juiced fruit and vegetables, Aqua Detox foot spa, alkalising drinks, cleansing soups and two nights accommodation plus lots more. For all your Alkalising needs browse our online shop and get energised!
Location & Hours

49 E Park Parade